Join us for Advocacy Day 2015
Arts and culture advocates from all walks of life and every region of the state, will be in our State Capitol on Thursday, May 7th for Advocacy Day 2015. It is going to be a great day of training, networking and advocacy. We hope you are able to join us!
Your Coalition lobbyists will provide advocacy training and give you an update on opportunities and challenges facing arts and culture during the 2015 Session. Attendees will have a chance to hear from cultural leaders and cultural champions with trends, research and messaging.
Don’t miss this chance to network with other arts and culture advocates. Legislator meetings in the afternoon will connect you with your local policymakers to show your support for culture–and advocate for state funding for arts, heritage and the humanities.
Registration opens at 8AM in Hearing Room 50, with Advocacy Day events scheduled through 2PM. Optional activities are available from 2PM-5PM.
This event is free, but please plan to RSVP if you are able to join us. Registered attendees will receive advance materials including agenda, issue briefs and parking information. If you are planning to join us, contact your legislators here to request your constituent meeting.
We look forward to seeing you in Salem on May 7th!
Christine Drazan
Executive Director