Hello friends,
I want to make sure you are aware of the importance of the current legislative session to the cultural sector in Oregon and funds from the Oregon Cultural Trust and the Oregon Arts Commission. This is the year that the cultural tax credit expires. The credit builds the Trust and must be renewed. We feel certain that since so many of Oregon’s nonprofits have received funds under this program, you are a critical part of Oregon’s cultural fabric and committed to the goal of creating access to creative expression across this state.
We cannot lose this important and unique engagement tool. We urge you to speak out in support of its continuation. You can “pay it forward” today to insure these funds exist in the future for all organizations. The Cultural Advocacy Coalition, which now has hundreds of individual and organizational members, is the only advocacy group lobbying in Salem to continue this tax credit and grow public funding for arts and culture. We depend on members across Oregon to finance this advocacy effort.
We urge you to join our Coalition, either as an individual or as an organization or business. Not only will we keep you apprised of key legislative developments in Salem, we will make sure you know about the timelines and processes for capital construction grants. The Coalition reviews capital construction projects from across the state for expanding access to arts and culture and recommends a slate to the legislature each cycle. If you are anticipating building, renovating or improving your space, this could be your opportunity to be considered for state funded lottery bonds. If you can join with us, please do so today! We have a sliding scale for membership based on budget size, which begins at just $100 a year.
Thank you for your daily contributions to Oregon’s quality of life.
Become a Coalition member today.
Dr. Nancy Golden
President, Cultural Advocacy Coalition
P.S. Organizational memberships depend upon annual budget size: $100 ($0-$99,999); $250 ($100,000 – $499,999); $500 ($500,000 – $999,999); $1,000 ($1,000,000 – $1,999,999); $2,500 ($2,000,000 – $3,999,999), $5,000 ($4,000,000 – $5,999,999) and $7,500 ($6,000,000+). Individual memberships start at $50 for “Friend of the CAC” and continue up to $1,000 for “Benefactor”.