There are several arts and culture related house and senate bills the Cultural Advocacy Coalition is supporting in this 2021 regular legislative session, and one we oppose. Below we’ve put together a quick review of each bill.
The Coalition is actively advocating for and against several of these bills and providing testimony on behalf of Oregon’s nonprofits for this 2021 legislative session. Questions? Write to us info@oregonculture.org.
Bills We Support
- Historic Preservation Tax Credit Renewal, SB108 – Makes changes to program for property tax special assessment of historic property. Takes effect on 91st day following adjournment sine die.
- Capital Funds for Cultural Projects – HB 5534 – The Coalition endorsed a slate of 11 projects for 2021-23 Cultural Resources Economic Funds (CREF) across the state. The capital construction projects, which include the construction, expansion, or renovation of a facility or facilities, represents diverse genres in the cultural sector, offers options for increased equity and access, and also geographic distribution throughout Oregon. We evaluated each of these applications in a peer review process led by Coalition board members and with expertise from staff of the Coalition, the Oregon Cultural Trust, and the Oregon Arts Commission. Using specific criteria from economic impact to expanding access to the arts, we saw many exciting projects under development and we received more than 40 applications across the state.
- Funding for the Oregon Arts Commission and the Oregon Cultural Trust – HB 5023 – Appropriates moneys from General Fund to Oregon Business Development Department for certain biennial expenses. Limits biennial expenditures from fees, moneys or other revenues, including Miscellaneous Receipts, but excluding lottery funds and federal funds, collected or received by department for certain purposes. Limits biennial expenditures by department from lottery moneys for certain purposes. Limits biennial expenditures by department from federal funds for certain purposes. Authorizes certain nonlimited expenditures. Declares emergency, effective July 1, 2021.
- Oregon Film and Video Office, an extension of the tax credit for 6 additional years – SB43 – Extends sunsets for labor rebate for qualifying film production and tax credit for certified film production development contributions.
*State Song Refresh- HB 2329 – The bill to change the Oregon State Song is no longer active for this session. The Coalition supports an inclusive process that will lead to legislation in the next session.
Bills We Oppose
5. Limits Itemized Personal Income Tax Deductions for Charitable Contributions – HB2255 – Limits, for purposes of personal income taxation, availability of itemized deductions, using phaseout based on adjusted gross income of taxpayer. Applies to tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2021, and before January 1, 2023. Takes effect on 91st day following adjournment sine die.