Press Release
For Immediate Release
Contact: Sue Hildick, (503) 816-4710, sue@oregonculture.org

The Cultural Advocacy Coalition announces that Oregon policymakers approved $50 million in funds to support cultural and community venues and nonprofits, plus $9.1 million in capital construction projects that further Oregon’s cultural growth.
The Oregon legislature is poised to approve a substantial package of financial support for arts and culture in its closing days—building on support previously provided in federal recovery funds. In the coming days, the Coalition will be working to learn how funds will be distributed and will work with its members to answer questions.
“We are grateful to our policymakers for supporting the recovery of this important sector and helping bring creative expression to every corner of Oregon,” said Sue Hildick, Coalition Senior Advisor. “Our board of directors have worked hard to ensure policymakers see Oregon’s art and cultural organizations as the 2nd responders in the pandemic, socially and economically.”
Highlights from the funding approvals this session, include:
— $50 million in funds for music, cultural, and community venues and organizations that were negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. These funds were allocated to Business Oregon Department to distribute.
— $10 million in Main Street grants
— $9.5 million in capital construction grants to the following projects/organizations endorsed by the Cultural Advocacy Coalition:
Read more about these capital projects on our website.
Maxville Heritage Interpretive Center (MHIC), Preservation of Maxville Townsite
Artists Repertory Theatre (ART), ARTsHub
Josephy Center for Arts and Culture (JCAC), Facility Expansion and Renovation
Oregon Jewish Museum and Center for Holocaust Education (OJMCHE), Expansion into the Charles Hartman Gallery
Eastern Oregon Regional Theatre (EORT), Baker Orpheum Theatre Renovation
Chehalem Cultural Center (CCC), Performing Arts Wing
Siletz Tribal Arts & Heritage Society (STAHS), Cultural Heritage Center
Shedd Institute for the Arts, North Entrance Remodel
Little Theatre on the Bay LTOB), Liberty Theatre Expansion/Enhancement
Columbia River Maritime Museum (CRMM), Preservation of the Lightship Columbia
Portland Art Museum (PAM), Mark Rothko Pavilion
— An additional $900,000 for Lincoln City Cultural Center Plaza and $1.5 million in funds for the Patricia Reser Center for the Arts (restoration of 2019 funding loss)
Thank you for supporting this monumental effort this year!
Please remember that the Coalition’s advocacy work is funded by you, our supporters and members. Please consider donating today or renewing your membership so we may continue advocating for Oregon’s arts and culture.
Thank you,
Sue Hildick
Senior Advisor
Cultural Advocacy Coalition
About the Cultural Advocacy Coalition
The Cultural Advocacy Coalition (CAC or the Coalition) is a 501(c)4 non-partisan advocacy group formed to lobby policymakers in Salem to ensure that all Oregonians have the opportunity to access arts and culture in their communities. The mission is to increase ongoing public investment in arts, heritage and the humanities. Volunteers serve on the Board of Directors and include representatives from a broad number of interests to best represent the diverse mix of Oregon’s cultural community. Learn more at OregonCulture.org