Dear advocates and members,
Did you know?
Legislators can be influenced to vote a certain way if they hear from less than 50 of their constituents.
Talking to legislators about arts & culture is a highly effective way to encourage them to take action.
This year’s Advocacy Day will be on Tuesday, April 15.
Please save the date in your calendar now!
We’ll kick it off the night before at 4:30 p.m. with a community reception at the Willamette Heritage Center, cosponsored by the Oregon Arts Commission and the Oregon Cultural Trust. Register now!
Then, on Tuesday morning, we’ll gather at the Elsinore Theatre to hear some remarks, receive some final advocacy resources, and enjoy some community together, before heading over to the Capitol. A change for this year: we will schedule the meetings for you! Registration details coming soon.
Our message is powerful when our voices and intentions are united. In 2025 we are focusing on increasing the grants budget of the Oregon Arts Commission to $10 million to support providers across the state; providing capital to 14 arts & culture community projects; and encouraging investment in preservation and reuse of historic properties. Read more about these legislative priorities on our website.
We’ll help you get prepared for Advocacy Day. Read on!
Thank you for all you do to keep our Oregon communities vibrant. We look forward to continuing to advocate with and for you!
Cassie Greer
Advocacy Day Chair