Oregon Arts & Culture Caucus

Photo Credit: Elayna Yussen

Oregon Arts & Culture Caucus Launched on February 27, 2023

Experience the excitement when Oregon's first-ever Arts and Culture Caucus, coordinated by Rep. Nosse (D-Portland), is launched Feb. 27, 2023, at Salem's Elsinore Theatre. Jason McNeal Graham/MOsley WOtta emceed a rousing event featuring performances by the Salem-Keizer School District Trumpet Quintet and Charro/Mexican Horseman Antonio Huerta, as well as Thomas Lauderdale and Hunter Noack performing the four-handed version of Gershwin’s “Rhapsody in Blue.” More than 350 arts and culture enthusiasts attended the event. Sponsored by the Western States Arts Federation in coordination with the Oregon Arts Commission, the Oregon Cultural Trust and the Cultural Advocacy Coalition of Oregon.

Inspired by the energy and enthusiasm created by the launch of the Oregon Arts and Culture Caucus, 14 more Oregon Legislators have now joined the Caucus – increasing membership to 23 and making it one of Oregon’s largest bipartisan caucuses.

Rep. Rob Nosse (D-Portland)

Sen. Dick Anderson (R-Lincoln City)

Rep. Janelle Bynum (D-Clackamas)

Rep. Maxine Dexter (D-Portland)

Rep. David Gomberg (D-Otis)

Rep. Dacia Grayber (D-Southwest Portland/East Beaverton)

Sen. Bill Hansell (R-Athena)

Rep. Annessa Hartman (D-Gladstone)

Rep. John Lively (D-Springfield)

Rep. Pam Marsh (D-Ashland)

Sen. Deb Patterson (D-Salem)

Rep. Lisa Reynolds (D-Northeast Washington County)

Rep. Ricki Ruiz (D-Gresham)

Rep. Ben Bowman (D-Tigard/Metzger/South Beaverton)

Sen. Michael Dembrow (D-Portland)

Sen. Lew Frederick (D-North/Northeast Portland)

Rep. Emerson Levy (D-Bend/South Redmond/Tumalo/Sisters)

Sen. James Manning Jr.(D-North Eugene/West Eugene/Veneta)

Rep. Kevin Mannix (R-Keizer/North Salem)

Sen. Mark Meek (D-Clackamas County)

Rep. Daniel Nguyen (D-Lake Oswego/Southwest Portland)

Rep. Hoa Nguyen (D-East Portland/Damascus)

Rep. Thuy Tran (D-Northeast Portland)

“The interest in this caucus, and its rapid growth, just show how much people value the arts and culture organizations in Oregon and how important it is that we support this sector,” said Rep. Nosse (D-Portland), caucus coordinator.

The Arts and Culture Caucus was formed in recognition of the vital role arts and culture play in the livability and prosperity of Oregon communities – and in enriching the lives of Oregonians. Formation of the caucus was led by the Oregon Arts Commission.

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